Creating actions
Now that you have your own store set up, you can proceed to create actions. The createAction function, which is used to generate actions, is available through the instance of your store. You should use this function to create actions that can then be directly invoked.
When creating actions, you can take advantage of the structure provided by Immer since it is directly implemented in createAction.
The action-creating function should return a State | void | undefined
type CreateActionReturn<State extends object> = State | void | undefined;
Creating action without payload
type Action<State extends object> = (state: Draft<State>) => CreateActionReturn<Draft<State>>;
createAction(action: Action<State>): () => void;
import {createAction} from "./store";
// create action
const increaseCount = createAction((draftState) => {
draftState.count = draftState.count + 1;
// then you can execute it
Creating action with payload
export type ActionWithPayload<State extends object, Payload> = (
state: Draft<State>,
payload: Payload
) => CreateActionReturn<Draft<State>>;
createAction<Payload>(action: ActionWithPayload<State, Payload>): (payload: Payload) => void;
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
import {createAction} from "./store";
interface SetCountPayload {
count: number;
// create action
const setCount = createAction<SetCountPayload>((draftState, payload) => {
draftState.count = payload.count;
// then you can execute it to update state
setCount({count: 777});
import {createAction} from "./store";
// create action
const setCount = createAction((draftState, payload) => {
draftState.count = payload.count;
// then you can execute it to update state
setCount({count: 777});