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Creating store

If you have already installed QuickState, the next step is to create a store using makeStore function. Function for creating a new store contains configuration object with initialState as the initial state of the store:

interface MakeStoreConfig<State extends object> {
initialState: State;

makeStore(config: MakeStoreConfig<State>): Store<State>

Create store & methods

import {makeStore} from "@quickstate/core";

export interface MyState {
count: number;

export const store = makeStore<MyState>({

const {createSelector, createAction, Provider: MyStoreProvider} = store;

export {MyStoreProvider, createAction, createSelector};

Initialization of the provider

You are just one step away! In the components where you intend to use created selectors, you need to activate the provider:

import {MyStoreProvider} from "./store";

export const App = () => {
return (
Components tree where you can use selectors